By now, most probably know that Telegram founder has been arrested in France, where he is a citizen, causing a real media frenzy...
The most interesting, personally, is how that brought forth some technical issues of the platform (of which I have been a user for many years and a somewhat vocal advocate); here's an example:
I use e2ee chat on occasion and all of this essentially doesn't change my mind about this behemoth of a platform (second only to Meta), but such issues should be talked about in the open...
Mod note: I also changed OP subject to better reflect Telegram's true nature.
The most interesting, personally, is how that brought forth some technical issues of the platform (of which I have been a user for many years and a somewhat vocal advocate); here's an example:
Telegram is a lot of things -- a great place for open-source intelligence about war, a possible vector for child sex abuse material, and a hub for various scams and crimes -- but it is absolutely not an encrypted chat app. Does Telegram provide an encrypted chat option? Yes, but it’s not on by default and turning it on isn’t easy.
I use e2ee chat on occasion and all of this essentially doesn't change my mind about this behemoth of a platform (second only to Meta), but such issues should be talked about in the open...
Mod note: I also changed OP subject to better reflect Telegram's true nature.
Statistics: Posted by Midas — Tue Aug 27, 2024 1:48 pm