To prevent the automatic substitution of "two" with "THE WITNESS:o" in BeefText, you can create a specific rule to override this behavior. Here's how you can do it:
1. Open BeefText and locate the entry for "two" in your list of shortcuts or snippets.
2. Edit the entry for "two" and modify the replacement text to your desired output, such as "2" or "two."
3. Save the changes, and the next time you type "two," it should no longer be automatically replaced with "THE WITNESS:o."
1. Open BeefText and locate the entry for "two" in your list of shortcuts or snippets.
2. Edit the entry for "two" and modify the replacement text to your desired output, such as "2" or "two."
3. Save the changes, and the next time you type "two," it should no longer be automatically replaced with "THE WITNESS:o."
Statistics: Posted by dlyaverablyamit — Sun Jan 28, 2024 4:31 pm