@JohnTHaller - I've noticed an issue with trying out the Firefox Translations feature. Under the Settings - Preferences - General page, it's not possible to download any translations. Tested on latest stock Firefox Portable. In the browser console, I get this message:
Error: Finished downloads in 0.070 seconds, but 6 download(s) failed.
downloadManager resource://gre/actors/TranslationsParent.sys.mjs:3367
showError chrome://browser/content/preferences/main.js:1378
getDownloadButtonHandler chrome://browser/content/preferences/main.js:1190
Let me know if you are able to reproduce the bug.
Error: Finished downloads in 0.070 seconds, but 6 download(s) failed.
downloadManager resource://gre/actors/TranslationsParent.sys.mjs:3367
showError chrome://browser/content/preferences/main.js:1378
getDownloadButtonHandler chrome://browser/content/preferences/main.js:1190
Let me know if you are able to reproduce the bug.
Statistics: Posted by freakazoid — Wed Sep 04, 2024 1:43 pm