Personally I prefer a single zip-file with both exe's
But that's because I usually transfer the downloaded programs to several off-line PC's running both 32 and 64 bit OS's - and because I have a fast internet connection.
For users who download for use on one PC (or who have a bad/slow internet-connection) it would be preferable to have a choice between zip-files containing one of the options.
A good examle of a coder who packs both exe's in one zip-file is Nirsoft - and since his utilities are so small, the downloadables are of a size that you could get via a dial-up connection without any problems.
But for something like a browser with an exe of several hundred MB's it might be a good idea to give the users a choice between 2 downloadables
But that's because I usually transfer the downloaded programs to several off-line PC's running both 32 and 64 bit OS's - and because I have a fast internet connection.
For users who download for use on one PC (or who have a bad/slow internet-connection) it would be preferable to have a choice between zip-files containing one of the options.
A good examle of a coder who packs both exe's in one zip-file is Nirsoft - and since his utilities are so small, the downloadables are of a size that you could get via a dial-up connection without any problems.
But for something like a browser with an exe of several hundred MB's it might be a good idea to give the users a choice between 2 downloadables
Statistics: Posted by TxT-man — Sat Dec 07, 2024 6:42 pm